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Association of Biomedical Laboratory Professionals (Singapore)

Dear Biomedical Laboratory Professionals ,

The current COVID-19 situation has affected everyone globally. Our safety, our families, our jobs and our financial security are all on the line as we seek to tackle this issue together. In Singapore, frontline healthcare workers are important and that includes Biomedical Laboratory Professionals who are fighting this viral pandemic hand-in-hand with the physicians, nurses and other allied healthcare professionals. 

At ABMLPS we want you to know that we, along with others, are cheering on and supporting our frontline healthcare workers. That's you, Biomedical Laboratory Professionals who are working tirelessly day and night in diagnostic and research laboratories islandwide.  As we continue to combat the virus in Singapore, please remember that your well-being is as important as the fight. So, do stay healthy by eating and resting well! 

You may like to refer to tips on caring for your well being outlined by WHO here 

In recognition of Biomedical Laboratory Professionals, World Laboratory Day is celebrated annually on the 23 April while the Americans honour their Laboratory Professionals during the “Lab Week” from 19 April to 25 April. These celebrations pay respect to laboratory professionals and pathologists who play vital roles in our healthcare system to care for our patients as well as to places where great discoveries, inventions, and medical cures are made. We hope through these very significant events, we can raise awareness for Laboratory Professionals and their good work done. However, more importantly, we hope to inspire the others about the profession and to come and join us in our contribution to the healthcare systems and medical inventions. 

Please allow us to take this opportunity to say thank you to our Lab Heroes in Singapore. Our deepest appreciation for your efforts are beyond words and let us showcase our work on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) to create more awareness for our profession. Join us by telling others what you and your lab team members are doing during this significant day and you may also wish to pen your hopes, inspirations and encouragement for fellow Biomedical Laboratory Professionals working in Singapore in our fight against COVID-19 by using #ABMLPSLaboratoryDay #WorldLaboratoryDay2021

Visit to post well wishes or thank you messages to our front-line laboratory professionals. 

Take care, stay safe and let’s defeat COVID-19 together so that we can meet again very soon!

Best Regards,

Secretariat at ABMLPS

© Association of Biomedical Laboratory Professionals (Singapore) 
UEN: T19SS0060J
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